Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Wave

The next few pictures are from a hike we took last week out toward Lake Powell. We actually crossed the AZ border at one point. It's called the Wave. We had to get a permit the day before, pay a small chunk of money, and pray for dry skies. The next day, we drove out in my little hatchback and encountered a 7 mile stretch of dirt road and washes with a sign that said, "Warning. Road impassible when wet." All the signs told us to turn around, but we kept going cause we're stubborn like that. Even when it began to rain, that didn't matter. We were determined to check this place out. It was worth it.

The wave is one of the most mysterious rock formations I've ever seen. And that means a lot from someone out in Utah, where no rock is "normal." And the stormy skies made for some sweet pictures. If anyone ever gets the chance, you gotta do this one.

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