Thursday, May 12, 2005

out in Cali

I am in Wrightwood, California right now using the computer for the 15 minutes I get, so this is just a quick update. Drury, Kara, Jeff, Ryan and I are all out in California hiking a section of the Pacific Crest Trail. Even though our trip is very short compared to the rest of these hikers we meet that are going all the way to Canada, it's been a journey for us. I went into this thinking it was all Mohave desert and glorious sunshine... but it's the rainiest season on record for California I'm told and I believe it. There's never a lack of clean water to drink though. We've had blistering hot days (not many) and we've had sleet and rain. It's been incredible how people have stepped in and helped us just when we need it. I can't wait to write about all that's happened. I told Kara I'm writing a short story. It's called "I hugged a tree and found Jesus."

Hope to catch up with everyone soon!