Monday, June 13, 2005


I only have a few minutes left to use the internet. I'm at a small cafe in Springdale, UT cause I haven't "bought" my library card yet. I live at the bottom of Zion Canyon, so I don't have internet or phone reception. So if you've tried to get ahold of me, be patient, ok? I have to ride the shuttle to the bus stop to find reception. It is my office.

I love the view here. Red rocks and cliffs and rich red dirt. It feels like home. But it's definitely been an adjustment. The people here are all very different from what I'm used to. They're not even all mormons. They're just, different. I can't figure it out yet. But it really makes me miss home and my family and friends. I never realized how normal you all were.

My job is at the main lodge in the park. I work the front desk where I answer questions I don't know the answers to and check people in and out of their rooms. And occasionally I steal a credit card or two. (on accident of course!)

I live in a dorm. It's called Overlook. It is up on a hillside in the canyon, so we get a bit of a view. My roommate is Oxana. She is from Russia. Really heavy men must live above me because they wake me up at 4 in the morning doing some ritualistic dance where they throw their shoes down from waste-high and then stomp around in circles awhile. I haven't quite figured out the beat yet. Upstairs is mostly 40 year old and up men. Downstairs it's us girls and some random guys thrown in. Very different from IWU. I'm definitely out of the bubble.

Ok, gotta go. I'll try to update this more often. Let me know what you guys are doing when you get the chance!
