Sunday, June 08, 2008

Mesa Verde

I have found the internet...

And it's not behind a sketchy hotel this time. I'm sitting in the lodge at Mesa Verde and it's a great place to people watch. This park must attract the older generations because I keep seeing the 60 and up crowd; flat butts from sitting in the RV all day, traveling across the country and buying up obnoxious-sized turquoise rings and bolo ties off the reservations. It's ok for me to stereotype this crowd. For years my granddad did this stuff. And now one of those obnoxious-sized turquoise rings is my favorite piece of jewelry. It's great to be back in the west again, where the skies are so large and the dirt is so rusty. Ohio was beautiful during the spring and I'm glad I finally got to witness that, but I felt like I couldn't breathe after awhile. Kind of like if you only took short little breaths for awhile. I needed a big breath, maybe a yawn. That's the only way to describe it. I feel like I can breathe again.

I had full intentions of posting pics of Glen Helen... but my computer isn't reading the cd right now. Someday I'll do a post on that place. Absolutely gorgeous. After living in the woods for 5 months, it's so strange to look out. It's strange to have the sun rise on my face again and to experience a slow, beautiful sunset.

Now that I've found internet, hopefully I'll post some of my own pics. These are stolen from google images.
