Thursday, November 17, 2005


Well, I left the mid-90 degree temps in Tucson and I'm sitting here wrapped up in three layers of clothes including my mexican poncho and I'm still shivering... it's snowing here in Ohio. It's been snowing all day long.

It's so strange to be back, especially to be back in Ontario where new stores and housing developments pop up overnight. They've accumulated in the past 6 months and the change is overwhelming.

The disaster of my bedroom is overwhelming. I've taken on the project of clearing a walkway so I can move everything back in and maybe someday get to my bed so I can sleep there again. It's not as weird as I thought being out of the job and no school to go back to. I could get used to this for alittle while. My plan for November and December? Clear that path to my bed, hang out with my sister-in-law and the new nephew Carter, and look for a job somewhere, sometime...

I'll have to get a picture of the new kid to put on here. Definitely the cutest baby I've ever seen, but who could expect anything less from a Neff, right?


pk said...

I lived that "little to no responsibility lifestyle" for a couple months this summer while looking for work. It rocks!

Live it up!

Anonymous said...

I miss you Juli! I need to come home so I can see you again, its been way too long!!!

juli said...

I would love to Anthony but I'm not as brave as you and Kristen...

by the way, anytime you get the chance, could you email a couple of those pics of your visit? I think you mentioned you had some. I need evidence of my first big free rappel to show off...