Sunday, October 23, 2005

When I got back from my hike, Arik, one of my housemates was dying to go get a buffalo burger. I fell to the pressure and agreed to go, even though I declared upon leaving, "I'd be a vegetarian if I could like vegetables." Buffalo wasn't on my list of meats I was anxious to try, especially after passing fields of them on our way up to the restaurant.

When we pulled into the dirt lot, I wasn't sure where exactly the restaurant was, till we saw the big ole entrance sign and the restaurant dogs greeting us in the yard. I heard some guy yell from inside, "We have people!" or something like that. And he promptly came out, brushed his hands on his apron and told us to take a seat inside or out and "how the hell are ya?!?!" "Fine thankyou," as I quickly chose a table outside. I didn't want to know what was on the inside.

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